Blueberry, strawberry puree, white peach

Blueberry, strawberry puree, white peach

Item information

Aguazul Pink Bourbon

Item information

Palestina, Huila, Colombia


Varietal: Pink Bourbon

Processing: Washed

Origin: Palestina, Huila, Colombia

Producers: Palestina Smallholders

Altitude: 1600m - 1800masl masl

Tasting Notes: Blueberry, strawberry puree, white peach

Description: I'm excited to bring this delicious Pink Bourbon to your coffee mug. This varietal has become a bit of a cult hit in Colombia in the last few years. It's a very delicate coffee with great sweetness, juiciness and complexity. It has become more popular in the last few years so hopefully we'll be seeing and tasting more of it.

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