Tasting Notes: Peach, Nougat, Floral

Tasting Notes: Peach, Nougat, Floral

Item information


Item information

Huila, Colombia


Variety: Caturra

Processing: Washed

Origin: Huila, Colombia

Producers: Ananias Silvestre

Altitude: 1848m

Ananias Silvestre's Finca Bellavista sits at about 1900m above the Magdalena river valley in Huila, Colombia. Ananias' father left a parcel of land to each of his sons 12 years ago, and Ananias has been farming coffee on his parcel ever since. He has done multiple plantings of Caturra varietals, and is seeing new cherry on his oldest plants after his first round of stumping. Ananias and his family do almost all of the picking and processing themselves, relying on additional labor only during peak season, and they have built up a reputation for quality. Ananias was nominated by his 100+ member coffee-growing cooperative for their premium program, which granted him additional funds to improve and refine his processing and drying facilities.

This lot from Bellavista shows all the care that Ananias puts into producing excellent beans by way of nuanced, delicate flavors. A juicy peach note provides sweetness and fills out the body, and a light, creamy nougat taste gives the cup complexity and a unique feel. We also picked up on some light floral qualities, which is always a treat in high-quality Colombian coffees. We love when the care of the farmer shines through in the final cup, and that's definitely the case here. Drink up and enjoy!

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4.0 out of 5

Rewarding and well-rounded

It's not the usual flavor profile I seek out and I wasn't sure about this one after the first few sips, but once it cooled down a couple minutes WOW! It was like a peach flavored tootsie pop. Just the right amount of tartness to keep you wanting more. Definitely one of the best Colombian coffees I've had so far and a very nice surprise!

David Hunter


Member Since

March '16

4.0 out of 5

Very well balanced

Columbia consistently delivers the best coffees.

Will Hemminger


Member Since

January '16

3.0 out of 5

Bellavista Colombian

Colombian coffees are always great, but I didn't find this one to be inspiring, only ok. But maybe that's because the previous coffee that came from Moustache was so unique and tasty. You can't hit a home run every time.

Randall LaLonde


Member Since

July '15

4.5 out of 5


I was surprised by the degree to which I enjoyed this coffee. It's not usually in the flavor notes I gravitate toward, but this was a wonderful taste.

Christopher B Morris


Member Since

June '19

4.0 out of 5

Mild and Tasty

The flavors are mild but still add quite a bit of complexity to this coffee. I really enjoyed it. It wasn't too sour and it had a good nose and was delightful as a pour over cup.

Ashley N Huntress


Member Since

February '17

5.0 out of 5


I like the syrupyness. Ages very well in the cup too. Match it with a cigar

Reilly Sasse


Member Since

April '19

5.0 out of 5

Enjoyed it: great as cold brew

I am a slower drinker and got to this in July. I used it for my cold brew, and it is wonderful! Very drinkable and light--great for summer.

J. Fox

High Point

Member Since

June '14

4.0 out of 5

A bright morning coffee

This is a good morning coffee when you want something bright and sort of punchy and almost-but-not-quite-citrusy. Would pair well with a lighter breakfast. It was pleasant and smooth and easy to drink your whole cup without noticing that you did!

Allison Priore

Jim Thorpe

Member Since

December '18

5.0 out of 5


Loved the taste

Ben Luhrman

San Antonio

Member Since

May '19