Apricot, Honeycomb, Crisp Body

Apricot, Honeycomb, Crisp Body

Item information

Bernul Munoz

Item information


Variety: Caturra, Castillo

Processing: Washed

Crop Year: 2016

Origin: Narino, Colombia

Producer: Bernul Munoz

Altitude: 1950m

These tasty beans come from the storied Narino department of Colombia, where farmers have been growing sweet and chocolatey coffees in the highlands for many years. This coffee was grown on the farm of Bernul Munoz, and it certainly lives up to the famous Narino name. Ripe Caturra & Castillo beans are picked, processed, and air-dried on raised parabolic beds for a crisp and defined flavor that only comes from serious consistency bean-to-bean. While some Narino coffees can be heavy, this batch has a delightfully airy profile: bright apricot notes and a warm honeycomb sweetness make a pairing that's soothing and delicious. We didn't really need another reason to love Colombian coffee, but we're sure glad we have one! Let us know what you think!

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