Raspberry, Lime, Sugarcane

Raspberry, Lime, Sugarcane

Item information


Item information

Karuthi, Nyeri County, Kenya


Variety: SL28, SL34, Ruiru 11, Batian

Processing: Washed

Origin: Karuthi, Nyeri County, Kenya

Producers:Chinga Factory, OFCS

Altitude: 1,795 m

We have another treat this week from Kenya. This delicious coffee from Nyeri County has that pop of fruity acidity that brings us the raspberry flavor and plenty of sweetness to balance it out. We've had a run of very tasty Kenyan coffees this year, and long may it continue. Kenya is one of my very favorite origins and the SLs are my absolute favorite varietal.

I hope you all enjoy Chinga as much as I have.

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1.0 out of 5

We were very excited about this one!

It was very fruit-forward with a clean finish!

Margaret Klun


Member Since

December '23

4.5 out of 5

This coffee... as espresso... phenomenal

This was an unexpectedly good coffee on espresso. I had some dial-in challenges, but had a dose of 18.3g in, 46g out in 48s and was blown away how smooth and delicious it was. Normally, I go for shorter duration shots (using a "citrus slice" billet basket from sworks design). Definitely lots of body, sweet and delicious.

Andrew Ernst


Member Since

May '15