Orange, Floral, Papaya

Orange, Floral, Papaya

Item information

Classic: Virgen #2

Item information

Antioquia, Colombia


Variety: Colombia, Caturra

Producer: Jaime Ariza

Processing: Washed

Origin: Antioquia, Colombia

Altitude: 1850-2100M

Score: 87

Jaime did it again with this coffee - although it's a Caturra and Colombia mix, it tastes like it could be a Geisha! It's got a light body with winey red fruit and papaya characteristics, and loads of florals. La Virgen is owned by Jaime Ariza, but the processing is managed by his friend Juan Saldarriaga, who operates two more farms we're familiar with, La Claudina and El Encanto. La Virgen is part of the Coffee Growers Association, which is a group of producers in Antioquia who have come together to collaborate on different production methods and create a market for improved coffees from Antioquia. This particular lot is from a single day's production at La Virgen, and because it cupped so distinctively, Nordic decided to keep it as a separate lot for us all to enjoy!

The altitude and growing conditions paired with processing make it a pretty unique lot. The coffee is picked and sorted before being pulped and dry fermented for 24 hours. The coffee is then washed and dried on raised beds under shade for 22 days. We are always excited to feature Jaime and Juan's coffees and this one, in particular, is rich and complex. So many great Colombian coffees come through MCC, and La Virgen #2 stands out amongst the best of them!

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3.5 out of 5

A delicious light entry in the classic series.

I didn't get much fruit from this coffee, but that's not what I look for in my occasional Classic shipments and suited me just fine. The sweetness is understated and well-balanced with the acidity. I found myself thinking of vanilla. It has some of the feel of chocolate, but without the typical body and darker notes, and ends up leaving some tannins behind. It's an aromatic cup, mostly in the nose.

On 02/24/22 Kyle said

Virgen # 2 was one smooth operator as a Classic. Glad you enjoyed it!

Jacob MacDonald


Member Since

April '18