Chocolate, Red Fruit, Citrus

Chocolate, Red Fruit, Citrus

Item information


Item information

Huila, Colombia


Variety: Castillo, Caturra, Colombia

Processing: Washed

Origin: Central and South Huila, Colombia

Producers: Huila Small Holders

Altitude: 1500 - 2000 m

When I tasted this coffee, I knew it was perfect for our classic lineup. It leads out with chocolate and then tempers it with fruity sweetness. It's a real excellent example of a Colombian coffee and I'm excited to bring it to your cups.

Grown in central and southern huila this coffee is processed in the traditional manner of Huila - washed and then shade dried on patios (under retractable covers cause it rains so much!). This coffee is delicious and I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am.

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5.0 out of 5


This was really different! The cherry was good and strong, as was the chocolateā€¦I assume that the slightly bright taste is the citrus that you get? I never got that lemon part.

On 05/26/24 Sean Reilly said

Glad you liked it Margaret!

Margaret Klun


Member Since

December '23

5.0 out of 5

We absolutely love this! So SMOOTH!

Today, I really did taste the lemon, and I have to say that it was a bit distracting.

Margaret Klun


Member Since

December '23