Dried Fruit, Honey, Plum

Dried Fruit, Honey, Plum

Item information

El Limonar

Item information

Huehuetenango, Guatemala


Variety: Caturra

Processing: Washed

Origin: Huehuetenango, Guatemala

Producers: Jose Bernabe Martinez

Altitude: 1650m

We’re very excited about this smooth and delicious coffee from Huehuetenango, grown and processed by Mr. Jose Bernabe Martinez on his farm Finca El Limonar. The name means “Lemon Grove” because Mr. Martinez also produces other crops besides coffee - including lemons, oranges, bananas, and avocados. He inherited the land in 1980, and has been working with his family and small team of 3 employees to improve the quality and diversity of all their crops. On the coffee side of things - he’s growing mainly Caturra with some Bourbon plants mixed in, which produces a great lot of coffee with rich flavors and an incredible smoothness. We’re very happy that Mr. Martinez has decided to keep coffee in the crop plan, because this brew is a winner.

We love the mellow dried fruit notes that this coffee gives off, which pair nicely with a muted honey sweetness and deep plum flavor. Compared to some coffees from Huehue that really lead off with acidity - this cup is a smooth sipper that really emphasizes mouthfeel and richness over a bunch of bright notes. It’s good to slow down every once in a while and reflect - and this coffee is perfect for the occasion. Enjoy!

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4.5 out of 5


El Limonar is a quintessential Guatemalan - rich, smooth, and full-bodied, but with enough sweetness and acid to balance things out. Dried fruit and honey sweetness tasting notes were on the mark for me. If you're a fan of Guatemalan coffee, you can't go wrong with El Limonar.

Ethan R


Member Since

October '15

5.0 out of 5

El Limonar my favorite !!!

This is my preferred coffee now. Aprocassi comes close but this one has more zest. Fruit and coffee? Rich with character and no bitterness at all. The best way I can describe this not being a coffee snob is this coffee has a zest like a zesty marinara sauce as opposed to a spaghetti sauce that is left on the stove too long and becomes acidic.Also it is complex like a good sauce. Its not simply a rich coffee like Colombian coffees can be. It tastes like it's good for you. I know this might sound crazy but I find myself wanting another gulp before I set the cup down. Its gone before I know it. Very nice complex fruity aroma too. Rich. Mama mia this is great coffee !!! Ten stars !!!

Steven Gilmer

Huntington Beach

Member Since

June '20