Raspberry, Dark Chocolate

Raspberry, Dark Chocolate

Item information

Finca Terrazas

Item information

La Libertad, Huehuetenango, Guatemala


Variety: San Ramon

Processing: Washed

Origin: Huehuetenango, Guatemala

Producers: Vides family

Altitude: 1700 - 2050 masl

Finca Terrazas is the new farm that the Vides family have purchased in Huehuetenango. For those doing their homework we've just shipped another delicious Huehue coffee from the vides family from their other farm La Bolsa.

This coffee is very different. It is a 100% San Roman lot and has the high cocoa notes and pleasant acidity that the varietal is known for. The varietal originated in Costa Rica and is a altitude, drought and disease resistant varietal that grows well at high altitudes.

We are getting a lovely raspberry note with a delicious dark chocolate. Hope you enjoy!

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