Brown sugar, pineapple candy, tangerine,

Brown sugar, pineapple candy, tangerine,

Item information

Huye Mountain

Item information

Huye, Rwanda


Varietal: Red Bourbon

Processing: Washed

Origin: Huye, Rwanda

Producers: Huye Mountain Coffee

Altitude: 1600m - 2200m masl

Tasting Notes: Brown Sugar, Pineapple Candy, Tangerine

Description: I love a tasty Rwandan coffee and it's my pleasure to bring you this beaut from Huye, Rwanda. With up front sweetness and a pop of pineapple and citrus on the finish this is a refreshing delicious coffee. There is something special about Rwandan coffees, when they are good they are very very good and this coffee is no exception. Enjoy.

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