Lemon, Plum, Cola

Lemon, Plum, Cola

Item information

Mahembe #2 2022-ERROR

Item information

Nyamasheke, Rwanda


Variety: Catuai

Processing: Washed

Origin: Nyamasheke, Rwanda

Producers: Justin Musabyiama

Altitude: 1900M

Score: 87.5

Mahembe is a privately owned washing station, owned by Justin Musabyiami. Justin grew up in the local area, grows his own coffee, and decided to invest in the community by building a wet mill on his fathers coffee plantation. He owns a farm that sources cherries from surrounding smallholders. Because of it's high-altitudes, this area has an increasing number of farmers choosing to grow coffee on the land. Justin's history with the community has formed strong bonds within the region. He and his staff have strict routines for the process; after sorting, the cherries are placed in a tank prior to pulping, where floaters are removed and processed as lower grade coffee. The climate in Rwanda is relatively cool, which assists in controlling the fermentation process. A pulper removes skin and pulp, and 70% of the mucilage. The coffee is then dry fermented for 10-12 hours. After being washed and separated, the parchment is left to dry on African drying beds for 21 days. Mahembe makes organic fertilizer from the coffee pulp.

This year's lot has a pleasant, balanced mouthfeel with a soothing creamy finish. Sweet lemon acidity, oolong tea with cola and blackberry notes in the finish.

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