Peach, Tangerine, Black Tea

Peach, Tangerine, Black Tea

Item information

Mulish Lot 1 '24

Item information

Guji, Ethiopia


Variety: Heirloom

Processing: Washed

Origin: Mulish, Guji,, Ethiopia

Producers:Mulish Smallholders

Altitude: 2000m

This is our second year shipping coffee from this washing station. Last year this coffee was a huge hit so I'm excited to have it back!.

The Mulish washing station is relatively new on the scene, having been established in 2014. Here about 800 local smallholders grow coffee with their other crops among the shade of old growth forest. This shaded coffee at such a high elevation matures slowly which results in a dense and extremely flavourful coffee bean. We are the beneficiaries of this blend of agriculture and geography which results in a beautiful clean washed coffee with delicious florals and citrus notes. Enjoy!

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