Floral, Bergamot, Black Tea

Floral, Bergamot, Black Tea

Item information

Suke Quto '24

Item information

Guji, Ethiopia


Variety: Kurume, Welicho

Processing: Washed

Origin: Guji, Ethiopia

Producer: Tesfaye Bekele

Altitude: 1780m

I'm delighted to ship another coffee from the Suke Quto washing station in Guji Ethiopia. We've shipped their natural processed coffee most recently but I'm delighted to have their washed coffee for you now.

It's a classic Guji washed coffee, it's got those florals, plenty of bergamot citrus flavors and a delicious black tea body. It reminds me what I love about Ethiopian coffee.

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4.5 out of 5


Citrus, tea - and umami that I can’t identify.

Sierra Casselman


Member Since

August '24

4.0 out of 5

Subtle, balanced cup

Subtle, definitely floral, with a deep body. Washed process refines the coffee, perhaps a bit too much. But definitely a nicely balanced cup.

Hovig Tchalian


Member Since

January '21

4.5 out of 5

More Tea than Citrus

Not sure why but I taste more tea like flavors. Hard not to like a Suke Quto coffee.

Tim McCarthy


Member Since

June '16