Plum, Currant, Cherry

Plum, Currant, Cherry

Item information

Vista Alegre

Item information

Bomboca, Peru


Variety: Bourbon, Catuai

Processing: Washed

Origin: Bomboca, Peru

Producers: Duber Vasquez

Altitude: 1900m

Vista Alegre is a 2-hectare farm in the Colasay district of Jaen, owned and operated by Duber Vasquez and his family. They grow some guava and plantains, but their main focus is specialty coffee, with Bourbon, Catuai, and Catimor varieties planted. Like most Peruvian coffees - this lot of Bourbon and Catuai was processed at a micro-beneficio on Mr. Vasquez's property and dried via patios on-site. As a first-generation coffee-grower, Mr. Vasquez is still getting his processing facility built-out to his preference, and the additional premiums he receives through Origin Coffee Lab for his high-quality coffees are helping fund the continued buildout.

This lot of coffee is very rich with plenty of flavors to go around. We're tasting some fruity-and-tart tones like plum, currant, and cherry that all play nicely together to create a harmonious cup. It's somewhat of a coffee 'buzzword' to talk about mouthfeel - but this coffee, in particular, has a body that's full and juicy and just a delight to drink. Coffees from Jaen continue to surprise us with their variety and depth of flavor - here's to many more!

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4.5 out of 5

Excellent and Different

Really enjoying these Peruvians. In my experience, Vista Alegre is deep and dark. Notes of cocoa and caramel nicely balance the cup. Rich and smooth with a subtle black currant undernote adding a touch of tartness and fruitiness. For lovers of classic roasts, this one is a must-purchase.

Ethan R


Member Since

October '15

3.5 out of 5

Light and not as flavorful

Was hoping for a bit more richness to the coffee and bit more flavorful

Rinki Sethi


Member Since

February '21

3.0 out of 5

Bright but light

These beans had a great aroma, but the coffee was very light. I was hoping for a richer flavor

Kenneth Hilton


Member Since

February '21

4.5 out of 5

A Light and perfect coffee for me

Excellent flavor for me, I prefer a lighter body taste. Would definitely recommend if your not into the burden of dark roast.

Stephen Lehmann


Member Since

December '20

5.0 out of 5

Very happy with this brew

I should preface that I made this with a fine hand grind, some elbow grease, and an aeropress. 14g Coffee | 140g Water @ ~195 F | Immersed for 1:45 The Coffee was great, it had a rich taste that seems to be expectation for me after trying other products. The smell of the beans right after a grind is refreshing in itself. I prefer to drink it without any cream or sugar either, it tastes amazing enough by itself that it is not needed. This time I used a handheld burr grinder for the beans, with a previous batch, I had them machine ground en masse. There was a noticeable enough difference for the better.

Shashi Panchal


Member Since

January '21

5.0 out of 5

Bright, wide on the palate

I found this to be a really flavor, and downright scrumptious, coffee. Fruity without being overly acidic, the Vista Alegre has a mouth-filling quality that is addictive and makes you notice that you're drinking great coffee.

Rob Martinez


Member Since

December '17